Director’s Renewal/transfer
Welcome Director Renewal and Transfer Candidates!
1. Complete the Online Renewal or Transfer Form. Must be within 30 days of your credential’s expiration date.
2. Provide proof of 60 Hours of Training. This is the annual training hours that Licensing requires of Directors each year (30 for EACH year – 24 ECE and 6 Management)
COPIES of each training certificate must include topic, presenter’s name, date of training and number of hours awarded
3. Provide proof of current CPR and First Aid certification
4. Provide copy of your current Child Care Administrator’s Credential
5. Pay Renewal or Transfer fee online or mail check/money order to:
P.O. Box 8656
Huntsville, TX 77340
6. Once all documentation has been verified and the renewal fee paid, a new certificate will be emailed to you. It will be valid for 2 years from date issued.
NOTE: Documentation may be submitted via email at or copies mailed to the address above.